Judge Me Not...Just another Amma!

Aint it weird when two mothers meet generally parenting (reading pooping and favorite activities of their kiddies) tops the list of topics that will be talked about perhaps closely followed by either Mums in Laws/ Husbands! And god forbid if the mums don't share similar views on parenting, then begins the not so veiled accusations on being a stay at home mum or a working mom, or a mum who makes her kiddo wear a diaper or a mum who bottle feeds her baby or a mum who goes to work! That is one never ending list of accusations. And why, you may wonder? Because some women just don't like that others may want to do things differently, or that there maybe a different way to the one that they have followed thus far. But sadly that's just the way things are!

That beautiful letter sent from a Stay at Home mum to a working mum and vice versa was beautiful and aptly described what each mum goes through! So this blog of mine, short as it is, is simply dedicated to all Ammas to stop judging themselves and others and just letting be!

Like Camus once said in his famous oeuvre The Fall, "People hasten to judge not to be judged themselves"!


  1. Super Varsha..! n so freaking true.. All of us at some point start judging others n ourselves too.. call it human nature / psyche.. however with conscious efforts m sure v can overcome this..

  2. Thanks Fatema! True we all need to stop the judging and move towards accepting...:)

  3. Bingo girl! The mud slinging needs to stop. What I choose to do with my time and how I spend time with my family is my business and mine alone. I think we all have enough on our plates and don't need anybody to decipher life for us.

  4. True...women need to imbibe the live and let live policy:)


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