On "the onus lies with the mother" and other such stereotyping...
“Her response was depressing. She validated the stereotypical role of men vs. women in the home without turning it into a teachable moment."
“To me, her comments were seeped in negativity. Is it inspiring to tell other women ‘you can’t do it’?
"I think Indra Nooyi’s comments are based on her experiences and she shouldn't make broad statements about all women in the workforce who have children. "
Those were just a few comments from prominent women globally who were riled at Indra Nooyi's honest admission of what it meant to be a working mother. Just a few agreed and stood by her brutally honest views and spoke out that it does feel like to try and be the woman who can fully be the perfect mother and lead a business as well perfectly. What seemed appalling were the reactions from women who expected and wanted Nooyi to not be so honest on what it was to be a mother and a business icon at the same time. She simply stated on what she had gone through and somewhere the reactions she received. Why did it become so imperative for few, that she not be frank and reveal how tough it must have been to jostle along her corporate career along with being a mother? She simply spoke on the difficulty in having it all. Is that so bad? To be honest? I think not.
We all battle different "views" on how we should live, do, be, etc in our lives and she did too. Her journey must have had its own pitfalls and highs yet she managed to adapt, that itself is commendable. I wonder how many "successful" businessmen actually speak about such issues. Why did her honest confession need to be made a "teachable moment"? Did parenthood become the sole domain of women? Why are there no such frank confessions from men? Is parenting a soft issue that only working women need to worry about?
We all battle different "views" on how we should live, do, be, etc in our lives and she did too. Her journey must have had its own pitfalls and highs yet she managed to adapt, that itself is commendable. I wonder how many "successful" businessmen actually speak about such issues. Why did her honest confession need to be made a "teachable moment"? Did parenthood become the sole domain of women? Why are there no such frank confessions from men? Is parenting a soft issue that only working women need to worry about?
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