Scarlett Johansson had famously confessed, "I already use anti-aging products. It is hard not to feel the pressure. Everybody in Hollywood is just so beautiful"! If she feels that way it is anybody's guess as to how the common junta would feel about aging....Anti aging cream, anti-aging diets, anti aging creams, anti-wrinkles... perhaps it is the (premature?) greying that has now made me sit up and notice all the anti-aging advertisements on the telly. But tell you what, I wonder why are there so many "Gerascophobiacs" around us....Gerascophobia is the fear of growing old. Lorraine Devon Wilke in The Huffington Post, puts it beautifully, "Gerascophobia has tsunami-ed over our society, leaving it willing to slough off its elders like so much sagging skin, as if there were no admirable, appealing, energized older folk worth emulating... or even listening to (certainly none with their original faces). Consequently, we've literally scared our Young into believing there really is no there there. There, beyond the dreaded fork in the youth-road. Our print media, entertainment models, and standards of what's beautiful or attention-worthy have so convinced the Young that youth is the only commodity that matters that the black hole of older age is simply terrifying. Age, with all its moldy implications, has become as repulsive as leprosy (in one article the image of shoving Boomers off on ice floes was actually articulated... could an island colony be far behind?)"

Why this insistence on getting rid of "those ugly lines"? Are they really ugly? Don't the lines exclaim aloud your life experience? Being fit is different, but trying to stop a natural process is hmmm..for want of a better word..unnatural na? There's this anti-wrinkle cream commercial where a pretty lady in red says, "start now before the signs of aging appears"...really...but why? I think I am one of those weirdos who cant wait for all my hair to turn that shiney silky grey/white...looks so distinguished na..? But then I am being vain again!

But seriously are we purely talking of looks or is the anti-aging brigade  afraid of the inherent frailty that accompanies 'aging'? Or is it purely and totally 'vanity driven'? But isn't aging not just about what you see and actually about how you feel?


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